Could You Foster?
icanfoster are seeking inspirational people...
What is Fostering?
What is Fostering?
What Types of Foster Care is Needed?
What Types of Foster Care is Needed?
icanfoster foster carers provide a wide range of care to children of all ages:
Long term fosteringShort term fostering
Emergency fostering
Mother and baby assessment care
Children with disability fostering
Respite care
How do I become an icanfoster foster carer?
Some people are more suited to fostering than others, but there is no typical foster carer. You will need to be of good character and have a home with a spare room, so why not give us a call on 07786 551711 for a brief non-committal chat about what is required to become an icanfoster foster carer.
Qualities that will help you would be; confidence, a willingness to learn, an ability to listen, bucket loads of patience, empathy, a sense of humour and a wish to help children where others have failed.
Is it difficult to join icanfoster?
Nothing worthwhile is easy, but our team, backed up by our Administration Support Unit (ASU), will make it as simple and straightforward as possible. You will need a medical, then attend some training courses and be assessed by one of our Social Workers. Together you decide whether fostering is the right choice for you.